Top Sex Foods

I learned a long time ago to embrace what you enjoy, and not be afraid to talk about it.. haha.

A majority of my life is of course talking about the body and healing.  I am the gal you text about poop, vaginas, and sex.  A badge I proudly wear.    Sex is healthy (responsible), it is mood lifting, inspiring, healing, and a great form of exercise (code word "cardio" in our house). If you are choosing or wanting to have sex then it is frustrating if you have no libido.  For females becoming to dry, or for a male unable to stay erect is beyond frustrating.  Im trying to use appropriate words... not saying wet or hard, is hard :P

My 21 day Cleanse was originally going to be called 21 Days to Better Sex. I found many of my clients were not reaping the benefits of great sex and I wanted to know why. Before creating it I polled my friends and clients and ask, if they were not having sex, why?  Was it because of desire, drive, business, etc.  I got a lot of feedback which allowed me to gear the cleanse towards body image and libido, but I chose to keep the cleanse name basic. 

Here are some of my favorite foods to boost your libido. 

Bee Pollen

This tiny little superfood that comes from bees is a great oxygenator.  It speeds up blood flow and you know what that helps.  It is great for energy and stamina. Full of over 59 trace minerals it is an easy one to sprinkle on a salad, in a smoothie or to just pop in your mouth.  Be careful if you haven't had it before, start with a little bit to make sure you do not have an allergy to it. 

Deer Antler

Say what? Yes safely harvested deer antler is amazing for your libido.  It is a Jing replenisher, so ladies everything you gave to have your babies, this will help you get it back.  When the deer/elk antlers grow to a point and get sharp they will fight with them. Choosing a reputable brand, they will safely harvest the tips of the antler and use them for tinctures or pills.  It is no harm to the deer and it is very replenishing to our bodies.  I enjoy Jing Herbs and Dragon Herbs brand.  I have had male clients tell me it worked for them fairly instant.   Remember these superfoods are adaptogens so they give your body what it needs. 

Goji Berries 

Gogi is an amazing adaptogen that balances your hormones and boosts your libido.  It naturally boosts your HGH (Human Growth Hormone). Here is an email I got from a client about goji berries.

ALSO, I ordered some Goji berries, a brand you recommended and they are DELICIOUS and just after two days, am feeling more energy, and I don't know if this is a benefit from Goji berries, but my sex drive is through the roof! 

Goji can be purchased in an alcohol tincture or sun dried. I use both daily. I like to put my goji's in a coffee grinder and then mix them into my chia pudding every morning. 


Maca is an amazing root that is known for promoting sexual function. It is full of EFA's and is easy to find. It is great at balancing the endocrine system and helping with stress.  It is also adaptogen that balance hormones and also increase fertility. I mostly use it in powder form in my smoothies, elixirs and chocolate. 

 I will have you start with these and as you begin adding them into your life I hope that you see more than just a boost in your libido, but also your overall health.  Superfood and super herb nutrition creates amazing longevity.  



Don't wait for Easter

Really when you think about it, this has been the best 4 months for candy makers!  Christmas, Valentines Day, Easter, all fill the shelves everywhere with candy. Lets be honest, if you have eaten real chocolate or the kind some of my friends make that are sugar free and also give you amazing herbs and superfoods, it is not hard to ignore the crap candy.  

one of Addi's kitchen "experiment" she was dissecting a lemon she said :) 

one of Addi's kitchen "experiment" she was dissecting a lemon she said :) 

First I am a mom, and as any moms know sugar draws your kids in. Addi my oldest I say could live off cheese and sugar.  So I have to monitor and limit it.  Yes, we only carry organic of both but they are still sugar and dairy.   So for me to indulge her I let her make these awesome superfood eggs and she doesn't have to ask to eat them.  


 Here is her recipe, and it will make 24 eggs, depending on the mold you use. 

1 cup of raw cacao powder.

1 cup of coconut oil (virgin unrefined) 

2 tsp of spirulina 

1/2 or less of pure maple syrup

nut butter of your choice. I use almond and Addi uses peanut butter 

any other superfoods you want to add to the chocolate.  Chia seeds work great or other powders that will mix well like Maca. 

Mix the above ingredients until it is smooth. Your coconut oil may chunk up if the maple syrup is cold so you will need to place your glass bowl next to a burner on the lowest heat to smooth it all out.  

We then place a small amount in the bottom of each egg and throw it in the fridge or freezer. Once it is hard add in a small amount of nut butter, or a large amount :). Place in fridge.   Remove once it is hard and add your top layer of chocolate.  Place back in fridge and you are done once they are hard, usually around 10-15 min.  

As you can see you are only getting maple syrup that is a "negative". You could sub with stevia, honey, or xylitol.   These are perfect to replace a standard chocolate egg, or the cadbury. You have just given Reeses a run for their money.   Enjoy! 

Coconut Oil: Your Best Friend

If you are tree huggin natural momma like me you have heard of coconut oil. Even if you are not I am sure you have heard of the many benefits. I wanted to share with you how we use it in our household.  We have it in our bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. 

Bathroom: It is a wonderful skin moisturizer. You can add essential oils to coconut oil keep it in a mason jar and after your shower, the steam will be sure to have melted the oil and it will be ready for application. 

You can also add it to your hot bath with epsom salts. This will be one of the most relaxing baths that will leave your skin sooooo soft.  Please be careful getting out of the tub, it can get quite slippery with the oil. 

Kitchen:  Great for cooking and raw food.  We make raw chocolate with coconut oil and also saute veggies with it.  

Kitchen is also where we keep our superfoods and supplements so coconut oil becomes part of our elixers. We used it when the kids were babies for rashes and skin conditions.  Coconut oil or any natural oil is a carrier of all things magical like your superfoods and herbs, so using it in smoothies allows your body to absorb it much better. 

Bedroom: Now this is the one that usually surprises my clients.  Yes bedroom!  Massage and lubricant.   Outside of it just keeping things fun, coconut oil is anti fungal, anti microbial, and anti bacterial.  If you (female) are having any yeast issues vaginally it is likely you are passing it to your partner. They will then pass it back to you and so on.  Coconut oil helps reduce this.  

How do you use coconut oil? If you have a question about how to use it let me know.  

Sugar Free Chocolate Mousse

So today in Middle Tennessee its a snow day. This doesnt mean much for me as far as the kids go because we homeschool. It does however having me wishing I was living in California.  I love the beauty of snow but do not like to have my freedom taken away, if that makes sense.   

But, what can you do so I started making yummy food.   I juiced turmeric and ginger for shots and made my raw kale salad, and now I am sharing with you the vegan chocolate mousse that I like that is also sugar free! 

I am not a huge sweets person, I like a good piece of chocolate now and then or a bite here or there, but I do not crave sugar.  I will add stevia to my tea and thats about it.  This dessert is decadent, fulfilling, nutritious and can also have you back away from the chocolate cake.  And when the need does arrive it will fill the dessert craving for me :) 

You will need:

Vitamix or food processor

1 organic ripe avocado

1-2 tsp coconut oil

1/4 cup raw cacao powder

1.5 packets of stevia, or xylitol 

1 tsp organic vanilla extract

touch of sea salt

approx 1/4 cup of nut milk 

optional toppings:  cacao nibs, goji berries, hemp seeds, vegan chocolate chips 

Place all ingredients in the mixer of choice and blend. You may have to scrape the sides a couple times or add more nut milk if you would like it smoother. Place in fridge until cold throughout, then eat!   If you are not worried about sugar you can use honey or pure maple syrup instead of stevia for a nice flavor change. 

Now since my pictures are so fancy ( sarcasm) I hope it shows you how yummy this is. Really think chocolate gelato with a hint of avocado.


If you have children, you understand milestones. Sometimes to much judging what they are doing daily by their age to see if they are on track.  All of us mothers/fathers know that in time a well loved baby/child/teen/adult will reach their milestones on their own time as they learn. 

Recently, as it relates to my business I have had a few milestones that have caused me to reflect on my business as a whole. I am grateful for this reflection. It has allowed me to see how far I have come and to continue striving, although there might be set backs along the way.  

One came in the form of my friend Amber that gives me facials.  She is so loving and listens so well. We were talking about my career and she said she thinks of me often and remembers me saying I want to be so successful I can bathe in goji berries. Now, if you follow me you know gojis are my favorite superfood.  The reason why they are so dear outside of them being amazing nutritiously, they are a milestone reminder.


When I started changing my lifestyle to organic and conventional free in all aspects, (13 years ago) I remember looking at all the superfoods and lifestyle modalities thinking, how will I every be able to afford those.   Colonics, superfoods, sauna, best water ever, Whole Foods. As I sit today all of those are a part of my daily life.  I own a sauna, I give and receive colonics, I have a cabinet full of superfood and super herbs, (3 pounds of goji's a month), and the kids and I eat at Whole Foods regularly.  It has happened and evolved over time, following my passion, giving to others and choosing a life that is authentic for my family and I. 

Another milestone happened last Thursday at a class I taught.  Now, I get to meet and work with some pretty epic people.  People that others would just dream of shaking their hand, i am in their home or they are in my office. I totally get that, and I am grateful for it. I value each client with gratitude whether they are a celebrity or not. Now does this mean I feel "special" or what have you. Nah, I am doing something I love and at the end of the day I want to come home to my kids and have them be proud of me.  I do forget that what I am doing is touching and changing lives, even if it is someone leaving a class and buying some spirulina.  

Now back to the class. I wasn't sure of the attendance or how the night would be. Classes are a night for me to talk talk talk, hang out with epic people, and this talk was at Sunflower Cafe, so I know I would have an amazing meal.  When I arrived there was already people waiting for me.  Then more showed up, and more. It was a fairly packed class for the location.  

One sweet couple was there and had mentioned they just moved to town and her sister who lived in another state follows me on instagram and told her to come. And if I didn't' mind to take a picture with me.  Heart explode!   Me, you want a pic with me??  WOW!  Milestone.   It had been a rough day that handled me some disappointments and this was just the remedy I needed. It was a reminder what I was doing was working and to keep following that path. 

Take inventory, count your blessing and stay grateful  milestones are always happening, as they should and on the time they should.  Its really not up to us right?   :) 


Misson Monday: Detox



So back when I first started to change into the way I am now, I found things that I read that just made sense to me, like colonics. I really didn’t have to think twice about getting old poop out of my body. It made total sense.  

 I would make one change and then continue it while moving to another. One thing my husband and I came across was rebounding.  We immediately  went and picked up a $30 mimi trampoline at the athletic store and thought how hard could this be?  It said to do it for 5 min and then move to 20 min.  We stuck it in front of the TV and for real, 5 min was HARD! 

Rebounding is simply jumping on a trampoline, just like the large one in your back yard.  The beauty of rebounding is that it is a cellular, lymphatic exercise.  It will wake up your whole body with minimal impact on your joints.  Imagine jumping up and down on the ground or concrete, the impact on your joints is very great.  When you jump on a trampoline that is greatly minimized.  

Along with rebounding being a great low impact exercise it is also wonderful for detox.   Imagine your cells and over time stress, poor eating, and lack of care becoming smashed or flattened.  Inside these flat, smashed cells are the toxicity you want to release out of your body.  As you bounce and your lymph system becomes engaged, your cells begin to wake up and in simple terms, release and dump toxicity.  This can come from your cells, inflammation in your joints and of course when you sweat.   Ten minutes of rebounding is said to be equal to 25-30 minutes of cardio or running.  

Another great way rebounding can detox is by loosening up your bowels and help with constipation.  Some colon therapists have rebounders in their office for clients to do before a colonic session. Now if you are women who has vaginally had children I know there is some prep work involved with jumping on a trampoline along with a couple bathroom breaks but it will be worth it.   

So if you are sore and achy, suffer from fibromyalgia, have a past back, hip or knee injury then this will be an amazing exercise tool. If you are on a detox or a cleanse it is another way to keep the body moving and to begin releasing toxins.  Trampolines can range from a basic being around $40 to the one I have below that comes with a stabilization bar.  The mecca of trampolines is the bellicon which is around $700.   

This Ones for the Girls

As a follow up to my colonics blog I figure this should be next in line. 

Yeast sucks! If you have ever had a full blown yeast infection you know. I have not had this wonderful fortune but I know I have had some yeast. I remember my first intimate exam from my midwife when I was pregnant with Addi revealed yeast. I was mortified, and frustrated since I had worked hard to not have yeast in my body. I am only human and had not rid my body of the pesky awful yeast.   When I had charlie and breast fed, my breast milk had a higher concentration of sugar than with Addi. I then passed on thrush to Charlie in his mouth from my nipples.  That also sucked, ached, itched and burned.  We survived with the help of probiotics and gentile violet. 

As I was doing my competition prep, and sweating every day not always changing my workout clothes after my morning workout I felt as though my often fresh and happy girl area was not feeling itself. I was concerned about yeast and wanted to alkalize the area back to its fresh and happy state.  Now, you can choose to do this with many over the counter products but that is not how I like to do things.   If I can go natural even though it may take a little longer and be a little bit more of a hassle I will do that.  Choosing an over the counter product will mess with your vaginal area and can leave you dry and will not allow your vagina to stay alkaline. 

Now what I am going to explain will seem crazy and you may think I would never do that, BUT, I say give it a try to stay alkaline and natural down below, it will benefit you in the long run….If you can’t ingest it, don’t put it on your skin. 

Coconut oil is good for the bed room, bathroom, and kitchen. It is anti microbial, anti fungal, anti bacterial. Garlic, is a viral killer, it is great to ingest when sick, or need to kill about anything :).  Probiotics, we need them for our body to flourish they will also reduce the acidic state that your body can be in along with improving your gut flora.  I suggest doing the following 3-5 days in a row. 

You will need:

string (from a sewing machine or like)

1 clove of garlic

1tsp of coconut oil

1 probiotic capsule or a 1/4 teaspoon

You will want to push the string through the thickest part of the garlic, the string will be helpful later. You want your coconut oil to be the consistency of the oil in my picture.  You want to add your probiotic to the oil and mix it.  Once it is mixed place the garlic clove in the coconut oil and make sure the coconut oil is around it, and on top of it. Make sure your strings are not in the oil.  Place in the fridge for about 10 min.

Now you will want to do this at night. Right before you go to bed, take your cold coconut oil probiotic garlic and place it in your vagina like you would a tampon. (with your fingers)  make sure the string is hanging out, and go to bed. While you sleep you will be killing yeast and anything funky in your vagina.  Now another weird thing, as soon as you place the garlic in you will taste it in your mouth, so bizarre!  Obviously repeat this 3-5 nights with a fresh clove of garlic  haha. 

I will continue to be that friend that keeps you natural and regular, its ok, you can thank me later :) 

#TBT What is Right vs What is Easy

This is a Throwback to a post I wrote August 30, 2012 on an old blog, I still find it relevant today. 

We all have been faced with that thought. I can do what is right and we all know what is right, or we can do what is easy. Sometimes there is consequences sometimes not.   There is also that perfect time that they are hand in hand and what is Right is Easy… Beauty.

I often go over this in my kinda no nonsense approach to getting healthy.  Its not always easy. We have gotten unhealthy because what was easy took over what was right.   Now the key is to reverse and make what is right easy.  Give your self a road map, such as one you got to know how to move up your corporate ladder, or you got to know how to be a number one selling artist, or what you know to be right with being a good parent ( and we know being a parent isnt easy).  GIve yourself a road map to health. Now if you are working with me, I will knock that out for you, if not, design your own.

What do you even want?  Energy, Weight Loss, Eat more Clean

How do you want to feel?   Successful, Energetic, Relieved

What is your long term goal?  To feed your family better, to eat more cooked meals, get off meds

All of these are things need to be outlined when you are wanting your own roadmap. Once we get an idea on what is right for us, we can work at it with more ease.  Believe me it will be tough and every new turn will have new challenges because the rest of the world will not cater to us trying to get healthy.  You have to stay determined.  You did not slide by on your way to a degree, or to a management position and you sure as hell didn’t become and athlete by hanging out watching TV.

Step it up, recognize your worth and make it happen. You invest in stocks, life insurance, college, invest in feeling like a rockstar and get healthy