Monday Motivation: Pursuit of Happiness

Have you seen this movie? There is not a time I watch it I am not in tears.  I am crying now watching this trailer I chose.   

Life can knock us around for sure. I have lost a house, lost a car. But I had my babies, I had my family and I had myself. 

Move through your day with strength and power in knowing that just being alive is a blessing.  It isn't easy, some days really suck.  BUT what I do know is there is always a way to choose happiness. 


Holiday Gift Ideas

As we all get older I find it hard to get a gift for my family that have everything. Gift cards can seem in personal even though some are the best route.  Finding a unique gift that they know they will use over and over that also provides value for their health is the road I try to go down. 

If you still need to grab a gift for your family or friends here are some great healthy ideas. 

Salt Lamp

Salt Lamps ionize the air, and also provide a wonderful light source that can create a peaceful space. 

Diffuser with Essential Oils 

This is a great way to add a clean natural aroma to your home, with out burning toxic petroleum candles. Choose a 100% therapeutic grade essential oil to diffuse. Brands like Young Living, DoTerra and Plant Therapy make great oils. 

Whole Foods Gift Card 

My sister is the queen of this. If you have a family memeber with a Whole Foods around them and you don't, you can email them a gift card. Whole Foods can scan it right on the recipents phone! 


Addictive Wellness Chocolate

Sage and Ana Blanca have this amazing chocolate and elixer blends. It is a wonderful gift for the chocolate lover in your life and will give back to their health 10xs! 

I hope this gives you a good start or to get the ball rolling to you coming up with healthy gift ideas for those on your list.   

Have an amazing holiday season, Love you all! 


Fall into new eating patterns

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The first day of Fall was on Friday, September 22.  In Tennessee you wouldn't know it with the 80 degree temps.   The leaves are falling off the trees and things are beginning to die off for winter.  This is a great time to cleanse and prep your body for a new season.

WHY?  When the seasons change new food is in season and we tend to crave new foods and foods that provide us what we need for the season.  In the winter we usually crave warmer foods, stews, cooked foods and heavier root veggies and meats.  We need to be mindful of our digestion during this time, because these foods can take more work to break down if your digestion is already compromised.  

What type of cleanse is good?  That will be dependent on where your body is at the time of cleansing and what your goals are.  I am currently doing an 80% juice cleanse.  4 20oz all great juices, a seaweed soup for breakfast and a raw zucchini noodle pai tai for dinner.  Juicing is not my favorite thing because I love to eat. I do like it for the digestive break I get and also the amount of nutrients I am consuming at one time.  If you are not used to restricting the types of food you eat, then a food based cleanse is a good choice. I offer two different ones.  How I am cleansing would fall into either one if you wanted to be that strict.  

Do not complicate cleansing but do remind mindful that it serves a purpose much more than a fad.  Make sure your colon is eliminating extra during cleanse time or you will have a lot of gas and constipation.   Drink plenty of water and make sure you are able to rest. 

You got this! 


Love your body, make better love


I am continuing the conversation from last week on sex and libido. Now is the time its in front of me from clients questions and thoughts so I am going to address it.  

Loving our body male or female is so important. I am not going to say I don't struggle, I do.  Before kids, after having kids, micro managing my body and every roll or dimple.  I used to have that on my mind when in the gym, and you know what I found?  As soon as I began letting that go and training because I enjoyed it, my body became better than ever with minimal effort.  It was also on my mind in the bedroom even though my partner had no problem with my body. It was all me. 

 I began focusing on taking care of myself sexually.  WOW, the hurdles you have to get through in your mind to do this.  I once read a Momma Gena book in college and she talked about getting to know your vagina.  YES! she had you in the book, get a mirror out and take a look. Now, why, at 20 something is that the first time I had really looked at my vagina?   So many reasons, and a lot have nothing to do with our own thoughts but societies, parents etc. which then shaped our thoughts negatively.   

Even with the work I did through that book I still was not in touch or would touch myself.  I wasn't until about a year and a half ago that I made it a mission to get in touch with myself and my body. Learn how to pleasure myself for me. Not for someone else, not on a time table of when I was having sex, but when I was relaxed and in a place to get to know myself.  It was very empowering for my confidence and for me loving my body. I felt very much in control of myself.  I never let thoughts like, gross, nasty, slutty etc come into my head. Only thoughts of love and empowerment. 

Being sexually confident does't mean you are going around and sleeping with just anyone.  Being sexually confident means you own your body and your sexuality, male or female.  You have confidence in your curves, your smile, your passion for life.   This sexual energy is also very attractive to those around you ( not because they want to sleep with you) but because it is a light shining from you. 

So as you do this work and as you examine your body find what you love, find what makes you powerful, unique and sexy.   let go of what you want to "fix" if you are moving forward, the things that need "fixing" will begin to work out. I promise.   

Remember you are powerful and you were created with a purpose. Own your power, go after your purpose and thrive. Its pretty amazing when it all comes together.


Kicking up the Libido


Libido, its a taboo topic for some, just like poop. Well we all know I am not afraid to talk about poop, nor sex.... although not at the same time :) 
Over the many years of working one on one with clients I will hear how their libido is suffering here is what I believe to be true:
 - There is a lack of desire
- There is a lack of will
- and there is crazy hormone stuff going on that gives you no desire and has you feeling unbalance and dry. 
Now the first two are not in my category.   The last one is. If someone mentally knows they want to, has desire for their partner but just can't seem to make it work.  It is a sign of hormone imbalance, due to poor eating, toxicity and stress (lack of sleep lack of self care etc).  
A large disruptor of our hormones and libido is toxicity and stress. When toxins are present in the body and not released they continue through the body and again affect our hormones 

Sex hormones can be converted into stress hormones, but not the other way around.So the reality is, your healthy sex life will suffer and always have to sacrifice and “take one for the team.” Stress ultimately perpetuates toxicity, low libido, emotional disconnect, infertility and difficulty achieving pregnancy.  excerpt from my 21 Day Signature Cleanse

I originally created my 21 Day cleanse for this reason... 21 Days to Better Sex. I got scared, kept the originally under tones of libido and allowed it to still do the job with out the name. We are inherently sexual beings who seek out pleasure. When this is not happening or the body is not clean things will being to feel like they are missing.   
To tap into your energized sexual self here are a few tips:
Cleanse:  Get a great food based cleanse that includes superfood and quality super herbs. Not just a cleanse that has you taking a bunch of supplements but one that cleanses with food... changes habits. ( I know a couple good ones, *wink *wink)
Rest: Practice self care.  get a massage, go to bed a little early, ask for help instead of trying to do it all
Toxic Products:  Begin eliminating toxic products for your body and hormone. Many carry hormone disrupters that are wrecking havoc on your body and not helping your liver do its job. 

I find a healthy sex life between two consenting adults very important for your emotional and spiritual well being. You have to take care of your body and mind to allow this to happen.
I am here for you, and your libido :)


Prepare for life.

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I will hear over and over, I know how to eat I just don't do it or prepare.   We know we have to prepare for goals.  It started as early as grade school, prepping for a test.  We had daily class, we read text books and then we studied for the test.  Over and over we did this.   We prep for our week by look at schedules, kids events, and appointments    What outfits or clothes need to be washed for this ball game or this recital.  You get my point right? Planning goes into a everything we do. It becomes so normal we don't even think about it, we just do it.   
Our eating and meals need to also be planned for success. This does not mean you have to meal prep the same boring meal for every day in your plastic Tupperware and hope after you microwave it it tastes good.   This means you look at your week, what it entails and then plan your fuel to match your work load.

You wouldn't plan on drinking a smoothie for breakfast after a big workout if you knew you wouldn't get lunch until later that day (after normal lunch hours). You would do it a couple times  be ravished with hunger and then realized you need more food after the workout or to bring a snack you can have since lunch was delayed.  
Look at your week, see what you physically and mentally have to do. How can you fuel yourself to make it through the week?  Do you know you need more fat to fuel your brain through a long meeting or intense research?  Do you have a lot of tough patients or clients that day and you need to feel strong and stable to get through it? Are you staying at home with your children and the day is all over the place and you need to be light and flexible so you have the energy to go where the day takes you?  
We have to get out of the rut of running through fast food or not eating when our day gets overwhelming.   Are there things you can have in your office or car to make sure when you forget that you can easily fuel so you don't loose all your energy or go into hangry mode?  

Here are some quick grabs for you to stay on track:

1. Trail mix: Made at home  or a good quality purchased ( this means unsweetened fruit, no candy) 

2. Greens powder:  Containers or individual packets to add to water or tea as a boost to your nutrition for that day. It will not fill your belly but it will give your body fuel through vitamins and minerals. 

3. Primal Kitchen bars or Kind Bars: Both are great low sugar options that allow you to grab a quick snack that provides quality fat and protein.  If the weather isn't to hot and you choose ones without chocolate they will not melt.  

4.  Have your favorite quality restaurants on your phone.  Any place can be fast food if you call ahead.  They can make sure you have a snack or meal that is keeping you on track and some will bring it right to your car.  

5.  Utilize apps like, insta cart, postmates, order up, Amazon, and Uber Eats. If you are in their area all the above can deliver you your groceries or your meal.  It may even be getting green juice and bar from Whole foods.  You will pay a little extra in a delivery fee but hey, you would pay more at a diner and also giving a tip. 

Life is always moving and always changing. Some things are in our control others are not.  If we plan ahead we can navigate with ease and not feel like a "chicken with your head cut off"  

I am here for you,


Loving what's in the Mirror

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Picture descriptions below post

Most women can say they have had times where they didn't like what they saw in the mirror.  I am also going to tell you, MEN FEEL THE SAME WAY!  Now they don't share well in general so you don't know.  But if they did, as they do to me (clients), you would realize they step on the scale a lot, analyze their waist line and pants size and also want to look good naked.  

I am going to only speak from a woman's perspective, since of course that is what I am. This will also be personal.  I got into the fitness/nutrition world because I had been an athlete in school, went to college, was not, and chose to figure out the right way to "train" my body instead of doing quick fix, detrimental type things.  Now, did I fall into gimmicks or something that promised a quick response, yes! But intuitively I knew it wasn't right or the long term.   

I became a personal trainer in college, moved into natural/holistic health, started giving colonics and went back to school for holistic nutrition. To now be where I am today. My struggle often came with my body not matching my knowledge. BUT, that is the thing, a book or text is not my body. Its an idea, its a theory, it is someone else's success but it is not me.   

As I lived, grew mentally and physically, my body changed. I had to work within that change. I didn't do well at times.  It might effect my mood that day, or sex, or allow me on occasion to look in the mirror and say who is this girl.   Now, I didn't hyper-focus on it daily but I did think about it when getting dressed or if a client came in and I wondered if I looked enough the part.   

One day, it clicked for me. One day I realized that this is a journey.  A journey that will last my whole life.   I will always be changing, evolving, and so will my body.   I chose to focus on my favorite parts first. My eyes, i love my blue eyes. Ive never had contacts, I see well and they are super blue.   I now have other favorite parts of my body. I didn't get stretch marks on my stomach but I did on both of my hips.  I let the kids know when they see them, I received them from what my body did to grow them. I said I want them to stay forever because they are there because I have you both. So they each claim a side :) 

Now I measure my goals on the mirror and reframing how I look at things. FOR INSTANCE. I struggle with my boobs.  As you can see from the pic above, while nursing they got very large. Now I am lean and thin, so I have no boobs yet the skin that stretched to feed my babies is there and hollow.   I also have stretched skin on my stomach, so when I am in a plank position and look down.... well it's not the prettiest thing Ive seen. BUT it is me.   I also know that those are things that I can't change with my own work.  I would need a doctor to remove skin or give me boobs.   But knowing I am doing the very best I can is actually very calming to me.  

We have to get to this place at our own time. Others can say, you look great. Or your partner could admire you. We, as the one looking in the mirror, have to see it.  We have to see the progress, the life, and the positive things that are unfolding.  We have to love the mirror.  

Caption for pics:   22 yr old sarah, taking a real camera selfie, pic 2 me, before running a half marathon still nursing charlie, my second child.  my morning abs, empty stomach, post first pee. Best they will look all day :), pic 4 I am bending forward for the purpose of this post to show my extra skin.   BIGGEST thing I rememeber from these pics is not how I looked... how I felt based on what I was going through at the time.  

Thank you for allowing me to share ( this was a tough one)