Motivational Monday: Hoosiers

I have not posted for a while. To be honest I have chose to just relax and not do. I was over doing and feeling like any free moment I wasn't working was bad and you know what........ It didnt' help. It didnt' make my business better, it didn't make my mind better.  It only left me focusing to much on future and not the now.  This clip from one of my favorite sports movies address just that! 

Motivation Monday: Wonder

how many times when you are see a movie trailer do you cry?  Maybe Im the minority, but if it happens I am def going to watch that movie.   This is what happened with Wonder. It is no longer in the theatre but I am sure soon on dvd or Redbox.   I think the mother in me was drawn to the story and knowing, that although my children do not have a disability, we put them out into the world hoping the world treats them kind.  We all know everyone will not but we have to let them Wonder.   I loved taking my kids to this movie.  


Monday Motivation: Rudy

Maybe I want to cry every monday morning, or to be reminded that I am going after something bigger than myself,and I often times wonder what that even is.  

Born and raised in Indiana, we were spoiled with great sports inspired movies (yes Hoosiers will make a presence) 

Use Monday to motivate yourself to get through the week and go after things bigger than yourself!  


Monday Motivation: Pursuit of Happiness

Have you seen this movie? There is not a time I watch it I am not in tears.  I am crying now watching this trailer I chose.   

Life can knock us around for sure. I have lost a house, lost a car. But I had my babies, I had my family and I had myself. 

Move through your day with strength and power in knowing that just being alive is a blessing.  It isn't easy, some days really suck.  BUT what I do know is there is always a way to choose happiness. 
