Love your body, make better love


I am continuing the conversation from last week on sex and libido. Now is the time its in front of me from clients questions and thoughts so I am going to address it.  

Loving our body male or female is so important. I am not going to say I don't struggle, I do.  Before kids, after having kids, micro managing my body and every roll or dimple.  I used to have that on my mind when in the gym, and you know what I found?  As soon as I began letting that go and training because I enjoyed it, my body became better than ever with minimal effort.  It was also on my mind in the bedroom even though my partner had no problem with my body. It was all me. 

 I began focusing on taking care of myself sexually.  WOW, the hurdles you have to get through in your mind to do this.  I once read a Momma Gena book in college and she talked about getting to know your vagina.  YES! she had you in the book, get a mirror out and take a look. Now, why, at 20 something is that the first time I had really looked at my vagina?   So many reasons, and a lot have nothing to do with our own thoughts but societies, parents etc. which then shaped our thoughts negatively.   

Even with the work I did through that book I still was not in touch or would touch myself.  I wasn't until about a year and a half ago that I made it a mission to get in touch with myself and my body. Learn how to pleasure myself for me. Not for someone else, not on a time table of when I was having sex, but when I was relaxed and in a place to get to know myself.  It was very empowering for my confidence and for me loving my body. I felt very much in control of myself.  I never let thoughts like, gross, nasty, slutty etc come into my head. Only thoughts of love and empowerment. 

Being sexually confident does't mean you are going around and sleeping with just anyone.  Being sexually confident means you own your body and your sexuality, male or female.  You have confidence in your curves, your smile, your passion for life.   This sexual energy is also very attractive to those around you ( not because they want to sleep with you) but because it is a light shining from you. 

So as you do this work and as you examine your body find what you love, find what makes you powerful, unique and sexy.   let go of what you want to "fix" if you are moving forward, the things that need "fixing" will begin to work out. I promise.   

Remember you are powerful and you were created with a purpose. Own your power, go after your purpose and thrive. Its pretty amazing when it all comes together.


Kicking up the Libido


Libido, its a taboo topic for some, just like poop. Well we all know I am not afraid to talk about poop, nor sex.... although not at the same time :) 
Over the many years of working one on one with clients I will hear how their libido is suffering here is what I believe to be true:
 - There is a lack of desire
- There is a lack of will
- and there is crazy hormone stuff going on that gives you no desire and has you feeling unbalance and dry. 
Now the first two are not in my category.   The last one is. If someone mentally knows they want to, has desire for their partner but just can't seem to make it work.  It is a sign of hormone imbalance, due to poor eating, toxicity and stress (lack of sleep lack of self care etc).  
A large disruptor of our hormones and libido is toxicity and stress. When toxins are present in the body and not released they continue through the body and again affect our hormones 

Sex hormones can be converted into stress hormones, but not the other way around.So the reality is, your healthy sex life will suffer and always have to sacrifice and “take one for the team.” Stress ultimately perpetuates toxicity, low libido, emotional disconnect, infertility and difficulty achieving pregnancy.  excerpt from my 21 Day Signature Cleanse

I originally created my 21 Day cleanse for this reason... 21 Days to Better Sex. I got scared, kept the originally under tones of libido and allowed it to still do the job with out the name. We are inherently sexual beings who seek out pleasure. When this is not happening or the body is not clean things will being to feel like they are missing.   
To tap into your energized sexual self here are a few tips:
Cleanse:  Get a great food based cleanse that includes superfood and quality super herbs. Not just a cleanse that has you taking a bunch of supplements but one that cleanses with food... changes habits. ( I know a couple good ones, *wink *wink)
Rest: Practice self care.  get a massage, go to bed a little early, ask for help instead of trying to do it all
Toxic Products:  Begin eliminating toxic products for your body and hormone. Many carry hormone disrupters that are wrecking havoc on your body and not helping your liver do its job. 

I find a healthy sex life between two consenting adults very important for your emotional and spiritual well being. You have to take care of your body and mind to allow this to happen.
I am here for you, and your libido :)


Cacao: Bring the Love In

Chocolate is enjoyed by almost everyone.  Dark, milk, white chocolate most people know their preference when asked.  What many people do not know is that real raw natural cacao is so good for you.   We have been fooled to look at chocolate only as a dessert of treat.  We have not been taught to view it as a pleasurable food that is also a healthy dessert. 

Hershey's screwed it up for everyone, when the general population thinks a bar filled with sugar and milk is chocolate. At the state of a candy bar there is nothing of positive nutritional value in the chocolate they serve. 

Raw Cacao is an amazing superfood that starts out in a pod, each pod has cacao beans inside.  Each of those beans can be crushed to be cacao nibs or made into a fine powder which is cacao powder. It is very dark and biter but full of antioxidants and minerals. 

Cacao contains a high content of magnesium and will stimulate the release of endorphins. This is why cacao is considered a bliss food and also relaxing. It is very good for depression and mood swings. It also contains an amino acid called Theobromine, which will open up the capillaries. Anything that is taken with cacao is absorbed at a higher rate.  This also helps to support the heart chakra.  This is why many believe cacao to be a heart opening food, spiritually.  It allows us to take in more love.   

Do you buy raw cacao powder?  How do you use it?