Top Sex Foods

I learned a long time ago to embrace what you enjoy, and not be afraid to talk about it.. haha.

A majority of my life is of course talking about the body and healing.  I am the gal you text about poop, vaginas, and sex.  A badge I proudly wear.    Sex is healthy (responsible), it is mood lifting, inspiring, healing, and a great form of exercise (code word "cardio" in our house). If you are choosing or wanting to have sex then it is frustrating if you have no libido.  For females becoming to dry, or for a male unable to stay erect is beyond frustrating.  Im trying to use appropriate words... not saying wet or hard, is hard :P

My 21 day Cleanse was originally going to be called 21 Days to Better Sex. I found many of my clients were not reaping the benefits of great sex and I wanted to know why. Before creating it I polled my friends and clients and ask, if they were not having sex, why?  Was it because of desire, drive, business, etc.  I got a lot of feedback which allowed me to gear the cleanse towards body image and libido, but I chose to keep the cleanse name basic. 

Here are some of my favorite foods to boost your libido. 

Bee Pollen

This tiny little superfood that comes from bees is a great oxygenator.  It speeds up blood flow and you know what that helps.  It is great for energy and stamina. Full of over 59 trace minerals it is an easy one to sprinkle on a salad, in a smoothie or to just pop in your mouth.  Be careful if you haven't had it before, start with a little bit to make sure you do not have an allergy to it. 

Deer Antler

Say what? Yes safely harvested deer antler is amazing for your libido.  It is a Jing replenisher, so ladies everything you gave to have your babies, this will help you get it back.  When the deer/elk antlers grow to a point and get sharp they will fight with them. Choosing a reputable brand, they will safely harvest the tips of the antler and use them for tinctures or pills.  It is no harm to the deer and it is very replenishing to our bodies.  I enjoy Jing Herbs and Dragon Herbs brand.  I have had male clients tell me it worked for them fairly instant.   Remember these superfoods are adaptogens so they give your body what it needs. 

Goji Berries 

Gogi is an amazing adaptogen that balances your hormones and boosts your libido.  It naturally boosts your HGH (Human Growth Hormone). Here is an email I got from a client about goji berries.

ALSO, I ordered some Goji berries, a brand you recommended and they are DELICIOUS and just after two days, am feeling more energy, and I don't know if this is a benefit from Goji berries, but my sex drive is through the roof! 

Goji can be purchased in an alcohol tincture or sun dried. I use both daily. I like to put my goji's in a coffee grinder and then mix them into my chia pudding every morning. 


Maca is an amazing root that is known for promoting sexual function. It is full of EFA's and is easy to find. It is great at balancing the endocrine system and helping with stress.  It is also adaptogen that balance hormones and also increase fertility. I mostly use it in powder form in my smoothies, elixirs and chocolate. 

 I will have you start with these and as you begin adding them into your life I hope that you see more than just a boost in your libido, but also your overall health.  Superfood and super herb nutrition creates amazing longevity.  



This Ones for the Girls

As a follow up to my colonics blog I figure this should be next in line. 

Yeast sucks! If you have ever had a full blown yeast infection you know. I have not had this wonderful fortune but I know I have had some yeast. I remember my first intimate exam from my midwife when I was pregnant with Addi revealed yeast. I was mortified, and frustrated since I had worked hard to not have yeast in my body. I am only human and had not rid my body of the pesky awful yeast.   When I had charlie and breast fed, my breast milk had a higher concentration of sugar than with Addi. I then passed on thrush to Charlie in his mouth from my nipples.  That also sucked, ached, itched and burned.  We survived with the help of probiotics and gentile violet. 

As I was doing my competition prep, and sweating every day not always changing my workout clothes after my morning workout I felt as though my often fresh and happy girl area was not feeling itself. I was concerned about yeast and wanted to alkalize the area back to its fresh and happy state.  Now, you can choose to do this with many over the counter products but that is not how I like to do things.   If I can go natural even though it may take a little longer and be a little bit more of a hassle I will do that.  Choosing an over the counter product will mess with your vaginal area and can leave you dry and will not allow your vagina to stay alkaline. 

Now what I am going to explain will seem crazy and you may think I would never do that, BUT, I say give it a try to stay alkaline and natural down below, it will benefit you in the long run….If you can’t ingest it, don’t put it on your skin. 

Coconut oil is good for the bed room, bathroom, and kitchen. It is anti microbial, anti fungal, anti bacterial. Garlic, is a viral killer, it is great to ingest when sick, or need to kill about anything :).  Probiotics, we need them for our body to flourish they will also reduce the acidic state that your body can be in along with improving your gut flora.  I suggest doing the following 3-5 days in a row. 

You will need:

string (from a sewing machine or like)

1 clove of garlic

1tsp of coconut oil

1 probiotic capsule or a 1/4 teaspoon

You will want to push the string through the thickest part of the garlic, the string will be helpful later. You want your coconut oil to be the consistency of the oil in my picture.  You want to add your probiotic to the oil and mix it.  Once it is mixed place the garlic clove in the coconut oil and make sure the coconut oil is around it, and on top of it. Make sure your strings are not in the oil.  Place in the fridge for about 10 min.

Now you will want to do this at night. Right before you go to bed, take your cold coconut oil probiotic garlic and place it in your vagina like you would a tampon. (with your fingers)  make sure the string is hanging out, and go to bed. While you sleep you will be killing yeast and anything funky in your vagina.  Now another weird thing, as soon as you place the garlic in you will taste it in your mouth, so bizarre!  Obviously repeat this 3-5 nights with a fresh clove of garlic  haha. 

I will continue to be that friend that keeps you natural and regular, its ok, you can thank me later :) 

Motivation Detox


This is an, obviously, un used colonic scope.. say what??

This is an, obviously, un used colonic scope.. say what??

You knew it was coming as a part of my detox series :)  If you have followed, or know me, you know that I have given colonics for 9 years with my business and also personally received them. I obviously believe in them and find them to be beneficial.  They have offered great success for my nutrition clients who have chose to do them along with my cleanse and detox programs. 

I get what your first thought is... Gross, poop, butt, nasty.  Hey I get it, but not going to the bathroom and having food trash left in your body is gross and nasty. This is what is happening to most Americans.  Over consumption of toxic foods, environmental contaminants, stress, lack of sleep are aiding in a host of digestive disorders.   Were we tolerable of gluten many years ago? Did you and all your neighbors have IBS or were on an anti depressant ?  Probably not.  Gut related issues are at an all time high and its time we solve it by taking out the trash.

Imagine you buy an old home to remodel, or you have watched HGTV.  They start by ripping up some carpet, then there is tile, after the tile the original hardwood is revealed.  This is how our colon is over the years. Mucus, bad bacteria, parasites, and yeast all take up camp in your/our gut. 

I am not trying to scare you but give you a visual of where you are personally. Take yourself back to being a newborn, being fed by breastmilk (I was not) is the optimal thing for your still forming body to receive.  Our gut is established by the breastmilk and the good bacteria it provides.   Now think if you were on antibiotics as a child (i was).  Then with your good bacteria went the bad. As you continue through life, stress, poor eating and lack of sleep continue to contribute to your digestion not working properly.  Colonics allows you to chip away at the layers on your colon wall, and with proper nutrition, rest and quality bacteria your digestion can begin to restore. 

A good colon therapist is not going to try to force water in your gut to flush you out.  Gentle warm water is inserted into the colon and is to aid in whatever may released.  As this continues to happen our colon responds with a natural peristalic action (like contractions to get a baby out, but not as intense). It is like a workout for your colon, it makes it stronger.  

How many someone may need is different with every person.  Unfortunately,  there is a lot stored in there.  We should average a bowel movement for each meal. IF you are not having one with each meal then that is a meal that has been stored.  Even more so if the meals we are eating has no nutritional value.  If it is not nutritious the body will use none of it and it will be stored.  I recommend starting with three and then moving forward with what you and your therapist decide.  I talk more about colonics here on my website .  I also have attached below a couple products that will aid in repairing your colon and with constipation if you are not quite ready for colonics or they are not in the budget.

What are your questions? Have you had colonics before or even practice enemas?  

Probiotics are great for building back gut flora with proper good bacteria.  The cape aloe will boost the immune system along w soften the bowels. It will not act as a laxative or become habit forming.  

Oil in your Ears

One of the first thing I will recommend to someone that calls or texts that they may have an ear infection or congestion in their nose, is to put warm oil in their ear.  

Often times, when the weather is cold outside and you have the warm air going in your car and home, our bodies have a hard time adjusting.  We begin to "dry out" from all the warm artificial air.  When this happens our body wants to help us, by lubing up our sinuses.  When this happens and we can not properly drain or release this extra "lube"  then we begin to get congested and stopped up by the extra mucus.  It sucks, but it is our bodies way of helping us stay hydrated in our sinuses. As things begin to drain it can go into the ears and if it does not drain from there we will get a back up and pressure. This can lead to an ear infection.  One way I work on my ears not getting backed up is to go to the Chiropractor, and I follow this easy tip for myself and the kids, ear oil. 

It can be as simple as warm quality olive oil, just a couple drops. You can also purchase an actual ear oil. It can come with garlic and other herbs that will help to lubricate, but also fight any bacteria or infection that can be there as a result of the back up.   Adding oil to each ear nightly will let the body know that it is not drying out and it will not create more mucus for your nose. Not only does it work but it feels really nice.

This ancient Ayurvedic technique  is one that I am sure you will be grateful to have this winter season.  Don't wait for you to get backed up, prevent it now.  Below I have included one of my favorite ear oils.  
