Eating for Pleasure

How often do you grab something to eat only for the purpose of satisfying a bad emotion?  Do you eat crap food after a crap day?  Pleasurable eating can be both healthy and enjoyable.  

We have to stop the cycle of rewarding our day negatively with negative food. Bad day at work, go home and have a drink or some wine.   Break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend eat ice cream.  We all have done it. But why?   because at the time it brought us some sort of emotional pleasure that took us away from the pain we were feeling.  If this is a one time thing, that is ok, if it continues daily it leads to being overweight and having health issues. 

We have to start understanding the root cause of our issues and not remedy them with food.  Stop for a moment when reaching for destructive food and say how will this serve my body. Will it help with what is bothering me?   If I do still want to have my favorite things in my life, how could I make them healthier for me.  

Be mindful and take care of your body,