Earth's Water




What do I mean by earth's water?   I believe the best water we can be drinking for our body comes from the earth.  Unpolluted, natural spring water from our local eco system.

Natural spring water provides us with much needed naturally occurring minerals like, sodium, potassium and magnesium.  This water will also help revitalize our adrenals and combat stress.  To find a spring near you, visit Find A Spring 

Up to 60% of a human body is made up of water, yet it is sometimes the hardest thing for us to drink enough of on a daily basis. Dehydration is the cause of so many ailments.  Weight gain, constipation, headaches, skin problems, the list goes on and on. They could all be improved or eliminated by simply drinking water.  

I remember in my early 20's when I met my husband I would have a headache or be hungry when I had just eaten and he would say, "just drink water"  I thought how simple and how is that going to help?  Well guess what, he had a book about it, your bodies many cries for water. In his book he goes through what he calls UCD Unintentional Chronic Dehydration and the many issues that arise with us waiting until we are dry mouthed or dehydrated to take drinks. It is very worth the read and I imagine after, light bulbs will go off with the simplicity of reversing issues by drinking water.  

Here are my tips on getting more water in

    1.  Start drinking when you first wake up. Make a deal with yourself that will not get any coffee, tea or other drinks until you have a certain amount of water. I do a liter.

   2.  An Ayurvedic technique for resetting hydration is to sip on hot water for a day or more. This will allow your body to begin to absorb water better, and will also have the cells cleansed at a deeper level. 

  3.  Plan in extra water if you are a coffee, wine or pop drinker. These liquids are dehydrating and will have our body asking for more water.  Answer the call :) 

Last tip I will leave you with is stop drinking from plastic water bottles. Water bottles are polluting the earth and your body.  The plastic in the water bottle will leach pollutants into your water along with the bpa providing you with photo-estrogens that will be stored by your liver.  I prefer glass and stainless steel.  Amazon has some great options ( see below) that are actually quite stylish or you can reuse a voss glass bottle if you choose.

Do you get in enough water?  I would love to hear your water tips and what works for you!

Juice Cleanse, Myths and Benefits

How many of you have thought about going on a juice cleanse? You google till you can't google anymore, only to be confused.   I get it, I get confused and I know this stuff.

Let me simplify it for you, since I do not have an agenda other than for you to get major healthy and feel like a rockstar.

Why:  Juicing allows you to get optimal nutrition in an easy to digest way. It is already broke down for you, so your body just absorbs it.  It also does not require our already overburdened digestive system to do anything. We become nourished, hydrated and energized. If you are choosing low sugar juices then your body will work to balance your blood sugar and reduce cravings while you are cleansing. 

Tip: Add a drop of fat to your juice, it carries your nutrients so your body effectively absorbs them 


Why and benefits can be one in the same. A sick body needs to rest and juicing allows that. No work is being done to digest the drink. Our body exerts a lot of energy to break down food. If you are eating the Standard American Crap Diet then your digestion is probably crazy.  When you juice you fill up your vitamin reserves and allow your internal body to rest.   More nutrition = more health, its that simple. Why does it have to be complicated. Drink it, its good for you! 


The body heals itself.  Yes yes that is true, our bodies were created as a bad ass rockstar. So when you took an antibiotic, ate crap food, didn't sleep, got stressed, don't poop, you believe it still continues to perform like the rockstar you were born as.  All of that considering your mother was in rockstar health when she carried you, breast fed you and you did eat the best food ever.  Right, barely any of us began that way. My mom even, ( who is a rockstar) didn't breast feed me, I also had spinal menegitus at 3 months and constant ear infections as a child. So I know my well intended rockstar body had to work hard to heal itself in my infancy.  You get my point. I see only a daily basis people who aren't pooping weeks at a time ( 5 weeks is the longest)  That body is not healing itself.  We should be pooping 3x a day in a normal state, and even more if in a cleansing state. 

Juicing has to much sugar: If I am juicing real fruits and veggies would I not have those same sugars if I were to just eat the fruits and veggies? So why does it matter?  If you are worried about sugar and your glycemic load then juice only veggies and lemon with ginger.  You steer the ship, go without apples are sugary fruits. 

Juicing takes out the fiber and smoothies are better: why is it a competition? Yes it is true that there is minimal to no fiber in juicing, but if you scroll back up under the benefits you will see why would juice over blend. I love a good smoothie as the next but how many people are drinking low sugar smoothies that aren't full of bananas and fruits. I like to mix it up. Either way get the best food ever in your body. 

Lastly nothing extreme lasts. Have a plan if you are going to cleanse so you will be successful. If you are coming to a cleanse eating crap food, do some prep before you jump in or just start with a one day juice cleanse. If you know you tend to be extreme or maybe you are not doing the cleanse for the right reason, then consult your doctor. 

Just focus on eating the best food ever and it will work out,  Please discuss below in the comments. 




Perfect Superfood, Chorella

I love superfoods. Now I am not talking about blueberries and kale, they are great, but I am talking about those not found in your backyard.  I want your mind to be blown by their amazingness and to also know how to use them. These superfoods are real food supplements that can be used everyday to have you feeling like a Rockstar.

I chose Chorella because it is one of those superfoods that is not very mainstream like cacao or coconuts and I have recommended it a few times in the recent month.  Chorella is a single celled algea and full of amazing chlorophyll and B vitamins. It is also full of protein much like its green cousin Spirulina. Spirulina and Chorella can be a wonderful multi vitamin.
It is amazing for your digestive system as it helps to repair the colon and allow gut flora to flourish.  Chorella is also amazing at binding to heavy metals and moving it out of the body. Daily use of Chorella in tablet or powder form will help get rid of radiation from cell phones and scanners. It will help move out any mercury and toxins that come  from vaccines. It is great conjunction with cilantro for this reason.  If you are suffering from memory loss, dementia or early onset alzheimers it is a great addition to your prevention and recovery.  Chorella will also help with boosting the immune system to prevent cold and flus, help with Fibromyalgia, colon disorders like crohns and colitis and is great for constipation issues.
Chorella does contain large amounts of Vitamin K and can cause contradictions if you are taking medicines that deal directly with your blood.

The best way I enjoy Chorella is in a power smoothie with all my other favorite superfoods. I like to do this early in the day to utilize the benefits all day for great energy . You can sprinkle it on a salad, or make a green salad dressing. I also will mix it in my raw chocolate recipe because the dark chorella mixed with the dark color of cacao allows me to hid chorella and spirulina from my kids.

Do you use chorella? I want to know about your thoughts and success here in the comments.

Keep that Rockstar feeling and I am here when you need me,